Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum), a perennial grass of the family Poaceae, is primarily cultivated for its juice from which sugar is processed. Most of the world’s sugarcane is grown in subtropical and tropical areas. The plant is also grown for biofuel production, especially in Brazil, as the canes can be used directly to produce ethyl alcohol (ethanol). It first grew in Asia, but after the year 700 A.D. people started planting it in Africa and southern Europe. Today the biggest producer is Brazil in South America.
High Sodium Soils
High sodium soils can put a significant amount of overall stress on a plant during growth and development which can negatively impact yield. In soils where sodium and calcium are present, applications of C.A.L.F.A.® solubilize these nutrients into soluble forms of sodium carboxylate and calcium carboxylate. The root system has a strong preference for calcium carboxylate and will absorb it while pushing the soluble sodium carboxylate away. These salts are then leached out of the root zone, which can reduce overall plant stress.
C.A.L.F.A.® is a proprietary blend of 40% nature-based carboxylic acid solution designed to release soil nutrients into plant available forms during critical plant growth and development stages.
Pre-Emergent Herbicide Applications
Pre-emergent applications of herbicides are widely utilized in an effort to cut down on potential weed populations. These weeds can rob a crop of yield potential. Once a pre-emergent herbicide is applied to the soil, the environment naturally begins to break that chemistry down in a plethora of ways. Sustain® is recommended as a tank mix to help reduce some of these environmental effects. Environmental effects such as UV degradation and leaching of the herbicide can be reduced, thereby helping to potentially increase the effectiveness of pre-emergent herbicides applied.
Sustain® is a new, unique class of adjuvant with non-ionic properties based on Miller’s proprietary Pinolene® technology.
Post-Emergent Weed Control
Problem: Post-Emergent Weed Control, Solution: Exit® Adjuvant and Nu-Film-17® Adjuvant Once of the greatest challenges to maintaining a productive and valuable crop is the management of weed populations. In order to control the plethora of weed species, multiple herbicide chemistries may be utilized. Some may be systemic while others may be more effective through direct contact or burndown. Depending upon the chemistries utilized, Exit® or Nu-Film-17® can serve as excellent tank mix partners. If the herbicide functions more as systemic, and speed of control is the goal, Exit® is the ideal choice. If a contact herbicide is utilized and a more metered absorption is preferred, Nu-Film-17® is recommended.
Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.