Coffee comes from the seeds of a small tree in the genus Coffea. There are more than 75 known species of coffee. More than 70% of the world’s coffee production comes from the Arabica species. Coffee requires good water drainage, slightly acidic soil, and balanced nutrients. Only two states can produce coffee commercially, Hawaii and California.
Fruit Set
Fruit set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to fruit formation and growth. A successful fruit set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for fruit set and early fruit development.
Cytokin® is a plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.
Flowering and Bean Sizing
Flower production and bean sizing are integral parts to the development of a healthy crop. For a robust harvest to occur, a healthy and significant flowering must occur for fertilization. Once that occurs, the development of the beans begins. This whole process consumes a considerable amount of nutrients which can be detrimental to long-term health if those nutrients are not replenished. Nutrient Express® helps to supplement these nutritional needs during these key physiological timings. Combining sea plant extracts, as well as our proprietary Express technology, Nutrient Express fertilizer blends not only provide key nutrients but also assists in the uptake and efficient translocation within the plant.
Nutrient Express®
Nutrient Express® is a premium quality foliar fertilizer, unique in the market and exclusively offered by Miller.
Anthracnose is a disease caused by several different but very similar types of fungi. This disease favors high humidity and spores can be spread by splashing water. By combining a contact residual fungicide, such as chlorothalonil, with Nu-Film-P®, this fungicide is protected and held in place with our proprietary Pinolene® technology. This soft, thin film will also help to create a physical barrier against new spores that may land.
Nu-Film® P
Nu-Film® P adjuvant is a superior deposition, spreader, and sticker with non-ionic properties based on proprietary Miller technology containing Pinolene® terpene polymer.