Cherry refers to any of the various trees belonging to the genus Prunus and their edible fruits. Commercial production includes sour cherries (Prunus cerasus), which are frozen or canned and used in sauces and pastries, and sweet cherries (Prunus avium), which are usually consumed fresh and are the principal type preserved in maraschino liqueur. The size of the cherry can range from 1-3 centimeters. Washington, California, and Oregon are the top producers of sweet cherries, while Michigan makes up nearly 75% of the sour cherry production within the US.
Fruit Set
Fruit set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to fruit formation and growth. A successful fruit set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for fruit set and early fruit development.
Cytokin® is a plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.
Cracking Reduction
The cracking of cherries poses a potentially significant threat to overall harvest quality. Most of the cracking occurs within 10 days of harvest. As the cherries expand, the fruit skin stretches and thins, making it even more prone to cracking. It weakens further as water enters the stem ends and collects and pools. Vapor Gard® helps to reduce fruit surface water absorption and retention and potentially help to minimize cracking, which greatly influences quality.
Vapor Gard®
Vapor Gard® full-coverage anti-transpirant and anti-desiccant spray is a Pinolene® terpene polymer-based product for use on specialty crops to reduce plant evapotranspiration.
Brix Development
Uniform fruit ripening, color development, and Brix accumulation can be affected by numerous factors, such as photosynthesis, leaf age, nutrient deficiencies, and disease pressure. As plants begin to senesce—or age—closer to harvest, their photosynthesis and metabolic rates may be reduced. This can lead to uneven ripening and poor sugar development. Sugar Express® applications provide key nutrients which help aid the normal photosynthetic processes that drive Brix development. The accumulation of Brix earlier may improve ripening and color, which is necessary for uniform quality.
Sugar Express®
Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.
Environmental Stress
Environmental or abiotic stress has the potential to negatively impact plant health, productivity, crop quality, and ultimately yield. With the unique formulation of Greenstim®, these abiotic stressors can be mitigated via a multifaceted approach. With the addition of Greenstim®, water retention, overall plant metabolism, as well as general plant recovery can be improved. By managing abiotic stress effects, yield losses can be potentially minimized. Best effects are observed when applied prior to stressful conditions.
Greenstim® 2-8-14 fertilizer is a proprietary liquid crop fertilizer combined with plant biostimulant components.
Delayed Fruit Ripening
During periods of rapid growth, fruit development and ripening, plants require energy for proper physiological development and high levels of calcium for fruit quality. Physiological and environmental crop stress slows down plant metabolism and the movement of calcium within plant tissue. Consequently, plants suffer, and crop development is weakened, while fruit frequently lacks the necessary nutrients (including calcium) required for optimum harvest quality. Calexin® translocates through the phloem and xylem increasing calcium mobilization to fruit while supporting natural color development.
Calexin® is a translaminar calcium formulation which works to supplement with the plant's natural ripening and coloring stages.