berry crops



For nearly as long as humans have been foraging for food sources, berries have been a critical part of our diet. Today, berry crops around the world supply consumers with hundreds of different types. Berry crop farmers combine decades of experience with modern solutions to challenging problems, empowering them to bring the best possible crop to market.

berry crop solutions


Blackberries, easily recognized as dark, edible fruits, are a staple in supermarkets around the world. Native to northern temperate regions, blackberry crops are currently grown across many areas of North America and Europe. A prickly fruit-bearing bush of the genus Rubus of the rose family (Rosaceae), blackberries thrive in full sun and fertile, well-drained soil.

Blackberry crops
Brix Development
Delayed Fruit Ripening
Pruning Infections
Fruit Development
Brix Development

Brix Development

Uniform fruit ripening, color development, and Brix accumulation can be affected by numerous factors, such as photosynthesis, leaf age, nutrient deficiencies, and disease pressure. As plants begin to senesce—or age—closer to harvest, their photosynthesis and metabolic rates may be reduced. This can lead to uneven ripening and poor sugar development. Sugar Express® applications provide key nutrients which help aid the normal photosynthetic processes that drive Brix development. The accumulation of Brix earlier may improve ripening and color, which is necessary for uniform quality.

Sugar Express®

Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.

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Delayed Fruit Ripening

Delayed Fruit Ripening

During periods of rapid growth, fruit development and ripening, blackberry crops require energy for proper physiological development and high levels of calcium for fruit quality. Physiological and environmental crop stress slows down plant metabolism as well as the movement of calcium within plant tissue. Consequently, plants suffer, and crop development is weakened, while fruit frequently lacks the necessary nutrients (including calcium) required for optimum harvest quality. Calexin® translocates through the phloem and xylem, increasing calcium mobilization to fruit while supporting natural color development. Best results are achieved when atmospheric temperatures are high.


Calexin® is a translaminar calcium formulation which works to supplement with the plant's natural ripening and coloring stages.

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Pruning Infections

Pruning Infections

Pruning plants is an important management technique to encourage lateral growth, mitigate pest and disease pressure, as well as improve overall fruiting quality. The act of pruning can also pose a risk for the entry of bacteria and other pathogens, compromising plant health. Spur Shield® is not a fungicide, but rather a proprietary nature-based sealant. It creates a barrier against many wood pathogens that enter cuts and wounds assisted by rainfall. The combination of cleansing and sealing properties is especially effective in areas where the pruning season is cold and wet.

Spur Shield®

Spur Shield® is a Pinolene® based resin barrier that may be sprayed on pruning cuts and bark surfaces to seal wounds and inhibit water and bacteria from entering surface cuts.

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Fruit Development

Fruit Development

Fruit development is an exceptionally important and nutritionally taxing period for plants. Potassium is a critical nutrient at this time, as it is responsible for translocation of proteins and sugars, water balance in plants, production of ATP, root development, improving quality of the fruits by maintaining desirable sugar to acid ratio, ripening of fruit and many other processes. Sugar Express® serves as a key nutritional choice at this critical time. The addition of Calcium Chelate at this time can also assist in improving development and fruit firmness through the strengthening of cellular structure.

Sugar Express®

Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.

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Blueberries, being rich in dietary fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, iron, manganese, and antioxidants, have long been considered a “superfood.” Blueberries grow only in highly acidic and well-drained but moist soils in areas with cool climates. Most blueberries are grown commercially in North and South America. Increased consumption and opportunities have led to a growing number of farms throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

Pest & Disease
Fruit Set
Environmental Stress
Rainfast Applications
Bud Mite
Pest & Disease

Pest & Disease

Each year brings with it the challenge of managing both pests and diseases in the most effective methods possible. Sulforix has consistently performed against key blueberry diseases and insects such as Phomopsis, Mummy Berry, Bud Mite, and Exobasidium. With its proprietary adjuvant technology, Sulforix® is able to penetrate into wood cracks, crevices, bud scales and diseased tissue where spores and insects are present.


Sulforix® is an EPA-registered fungicide, insecticide, and miticide with unique penetration properties.

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Fruit Set

Fruit Set

Fruit set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to fruit formation and growth. A successful fruit set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for fruit set and early fruit development.


Cytokin®  organic plant growth regulator is plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.

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Environmental Stress

Environmental Stress

Environmental or abiotic stress has the potential to negatively impact plant health, productivity, crop quality and yield. With the unique formulation of Greenstim®, these abiotic stressors can be mitigated via a multifaceted approach. Water retention, overall plant metabolism, as well as general plant recovery can be improved with the addition of Greenstim®. By managing abiotic stress effects, yield losses can be potentially minimized. The best effects are observed when applied prior to stressful conditions.


Greenstim® 2-8-14 fertilizer is a proprietary liquid crop fertilizer combined with plant biostimulant components.

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Rainfast Applications

Rainfast Applications

While rain is an integral part to a healthy crop and productive season, it can also pose challenges for applications. The soft, flexible polymer formed by Nu-Film-P® helps to protect applications made from surprise rain events and potential run off from leaf surfaces. This protection helps to reduce the need for retreatments due to run off or erosion of active ingredient from the leaf surface as a result of rain events.

Nu-Film® P

Nu-Film® P : organic complaint spreader sticker adjuvant is a superior deposition, with non-ionic properties based on proprietary Miller technology containing Pinolene®  terpene polymer.

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Bud Mite

Bud Mite

Blueberry bud mites (Acalitus vaccinii) are a microscopic clear or white pest that feeds inside of buds through the winter. This damage can result in blistered red bud scales, misshapen flowers, few berries per cluster, and/or small leaves and fruit. High populations can impact overall plant health and reduce yield. Sulforix® has been shown to assist in the management of this critical pest.


Sulforix® is an EPA-registered fungicide, insecticide, and miticide with unique penetration properties.

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Cranberries have long been a staple of North American diets. Today, cranberries are grown extensively in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Oregon. The plant is typically cultivated on acidic soils of peat or vegetable mold with a surface layer of sand. The American cranberry (V. macrocarpon) is one of the most commercially significant species. They can be round, oblong or pear shaped and vary greatly in color from pink to dark red and can even be mottled red and white.

Fruit Set
Fruit Set

Fruit Set

Fruit set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to fruit formation and growth. A successful fruit set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for fruit set and early fruit development.


Cytokin®  organic plant growth regulator is plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.

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Raspberries rank in the top 10 of antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables. Currently, grown all over the world, major producers include the United States, Chile, Russia, Yugoslavia, Germany, and Poland. Made up of their iconic clusters of bead-like fruit, called drupelets, each raspberry can contain from 100-120 seeds. Growing from a perennial root system, each shoot is biennial in nature and only survives approximately 2 years.

Brix Development
Delayed Fruit Ripening
Pruning Infections
Fruit Development
Brix Development

Brix Development

Uniform fruit ripening, color development, and Brix accumulation can be affected by numerous factors, such as photosynthesis, leaf age, nutrient deficiencies, and disease pressure. As plants begin to senesce—or age—closer to harvest, their photosynthesis and metabolic rates may be reduced. This can lead to uneven ripening and poor sugar development. Sugar Express® applications provide key nutrients which help aid the normal photosynthetic processes that drive Brix development. The accumulation of Brix earlier may improve ripening and color, which is necessary for uniform quality.

Sugar Express®

Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.

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Delayed Fruit Ripening

Delayed Fruit Ripening

During periods of rapid growth, fruit development and ripening, plants require energy for proper physiological development and high levels of calcium for fruit quality. Physiological and environmental crop stress slows down plant metabolism as well as the movement of calcium within plant tissue. Consequently, plants suffer, and crop development is weakened, while fruit frequently lacks the necessary nutrients (including calcium) required for optimum harvest quality. Calexin® translocates through the phloem and xylem, increasing calcium mobilization to fruit while supporting natural color development. Best results are achieved when atmospheric temperatures are high.


Calexin® is a translaminar calcium formulation which works to supplement with the plant's natural ripening and coloring stages.

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Pruning Infections

Pruning Infections

Pruning plants is an important management technique to encourage lateral growth, mitigate pest and disease pressure, as well as improve overall fruiting quality. The act of pruning can also pose a risk for the entry of bacteria and other pathogens, compromising plant health. Spur Shield® is not a fungicide, but rather a proprietary nature-based sealant. It creates a barrier against many wood pathogens that enter cuts and wounds assisted by rainfall. The combination of cleansing and sealing properties is especially effective in areas where the pruning season is cold and wet.

Spur Shield®

Spur Shield® is a Pinolene® based resin barrier that may be sprayed on pruning cuts and bark surfaces to seal wounds and inhibit water and bacteria from entering surface cuts.

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Fruit Development

Fruit Development

Fruit development is an exceptionally important and nutritionally taxing period for plants. Potassium is a critical nutrient at this time, as it is responsible for translocation of proteins and sugars, water balance in plants, production of ATP, root development, improving quality of the fruits by maintaining desirable sugar to acid ratio, ripening of fruit and many other processes. Sugar Express® serves as a key nutritional choice at this critical time. The addition of Calcium Chelate at this time can also assist in improving development and fruit firmness through the strengthening of cellular structure.

Sugar Express®

Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.

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Grown in every state in the United States as well as every province in Canada, strawberries are one of the most widely enjoyed fruits. Known botanically as Fragaria ananassa and a member of the Rosaceae family, strawberries can vary in size and shaped based upon the growing conditions and cultivar. All varieties of strawberries have seeds on their exterior rather than their interior as is common with other commonly consumed berries.

Brix Development
Delayed Fruit Ripening
Lygus Bug
Flowering & Fruit Development
Fruit Development
Brix Development

Brix Development

Uniform fruit ripening, color development, and Brix accumulation can be affected by numerous factors, such as photosynthesis, leaf age, nutrient deficiencies, and disease pressure. As plants begin to senesce—or age—closer to harvest, their photosynthesis and metabolic rates may be reduced. This can lead to uneven ripening and poor sugar development. Sugar Express® applications provide key nutrients which help aid the normal photosynthetic processes that drive Brix development. The accumulation of Brix earlier may improve ripening and color, which is necessary for uniform quality.

Sugar Express®

Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.

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Delayed Fruit Ripening

Delayed Fruit Ripening

During periods of rapid growth, fruit development and ripening, plants require energy for proper physiological development and high levels of calcium for fruit quality. Physiological and environmental crop stress slows down plant metabolism as well as the movement of calcium within plant tissue. Consequently, plants suffer, and crop development is weakened, while fruit frequently lacks the necessary nutrients (including calcium) required for optimum harvest quality. Calexin® translocates through the phloem and xylem, increasing calcium mobilization to fruit while supporting natural color development. Best results are achieved when atmospheric temperatures are high.


Calexin® is a translaminar calcium formulation which works to supplement with the plant's natural ripening and coloring stages.

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Lygus Bug

Lygus Bug

The Western Tarnished Plant Bug, also known as the Lygus Bug can be a major pest in areas where strawberries are grown past May and through the summer months. Pesticide control options that utilize systemic insecticides can see potentially increased levels of efficacy with the addition of Exit®. Exit® can improve deposition as well as plant uptake and translocation of insecticide active ingredients.


Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.

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Flowering & Fruit Development

Flowering & Fruit Development

Flowering and fruit development stages place an exceptionally high tax on the plant’s available nutrients. Healthy cell wall development relies heavily on calcium availability. In addition to cell wall development, it also serves to help in the activation of several enzymes that aid in the reproduction and division of plant cells. The addition of Calcium Chelate delivers a plant available form of calcium to supplement and help fortify these crucial developmental periods.

ZMC Express®

ZMC Express® is a chelated EDTA blend of micronutrients.

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Fruit Development

Fruit Development

Fruit development is an exceptionally important and nutritionally taxing period for plants. Potassium is a critical nutrient at this time, as it is responsible for translocation of proteins and sugars, water balance in plants, production of ATP, root development, improving quality of the fruits by maintaining desirable sugar to acid ratio, ripening of fruit and many other processes. Sugar Express® serves as a key nutritional choice at this critical time. The addition of Calcium Chelate at this time can also assist in improving development and fruit firmness through the strengthening of cellular structure.

Sugar Express®

Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.

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