Agricultural Engineer observing product growth in a greenhouse

Focus on Sustainability

Our Commitment to


crop irrigation

Miller is a business unit of J.M. Huber Corporation, a family-owned company with a long history of dedication to sustainable business practices. Huber’s approach to sustainability centers on a Triple Bottom Line (TBL) strategy, balancing considerations of People, Planet and Profit when making business decisions, and is embodied in the Huber Principle of Environmental Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHS&S). In keeping with this Principle, it is our goal to reduce Huber’s environmental footprint while growing our enterprise.

man holding a lemon

Responsible stewardship of the environment is a part of Huber’s legacy. Huber put environmental protection processes into place in the 1950s—long before such issues were even a concern for many companies. Over the years, Huber has developed a wide range of sustainable practices that help us do our part to protect and preserve the world’s natural resources for generations to come.

Learn more about Huber’s Triple Bottom Line sustainability strategy.

Miller Sustainability Facts

  • smashicons_ecology_recycle-sign-icon-57-outline

    Our headquarters facility in Hanover, Pennsylvania, has been a member of the Ag Container Recycling Council (ACRC)  since 2012. Throughout the course of our participation, we have recycled 1 million pounds of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic bottles.

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    Our line of Pinolene® products are safe for honeybees, showing no toxicity in either oral or topical contact at the highest dose (200 μg/bee) compared with threshold of > 11 μg/bee for the “practically non-toxic” classification.*

  • Give Crops

    Our adjuvants are created to provide a healthier environmental footprint by enabling crop protection materials to adhere better to plant and soil surfaces. This reduces the need for reapplication thereby reducing pesticide use and lowers the release of active ingredients into the underground water table. Our nutritional products spoon-feed crops from foliar or fertigation applications reducing overall traditional soil fertilizer use and improving plant efficiency.

  • Pesticide

    We are working to replace the use of oil in pesticide and fungicide sprays. In these applications, oil is not only environmentally negative, but can be harmful to crops when temperatures rise. Replacing some of this oil with our adjuvant products has a lower impact on the environment and increases the crop’s photosynthesis.

We design and develop products with sustainability in mind, and have products that are certified and registered as organic, according to these standards:

* In both oral and contact honey bee studies, Pinolene® showed no toxicity at the highest dose (200 μg/bee) compared with criterion of >11 μg/bee threshold for the “practically non-toxic” classification. (US EPA, Health Canada PMRA, & CDPR, 2014, Guidance for Assessing Pesticide Risks to Bees)

farmer spraying his crops

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